Week 13 blog post is “Why Things Matter” from http://www.nearfuturelaboratory.com/files/WhyThingsMatter.pdf
Blogging is very normal now. People just have to register an account online at the blog software and start blogging. Anyone who blogs is known as “Blogger”. People often blog about what they see; what they feel and what they think. The author state that they have something semantically weighty to talk about, whatever their particular idiom of social exchange may be — politics, geek news, gadgets, music, personality fetish, knitting, best practices for smoking salmon and so on. They also can share their pictures, video on the blog. Other than human, did you know that object can blog as well? It is known as blogjects.
Basically, blogjects is object that blogs. The word blogjects is the combination of “blog” and “object”. Blogging is an activity which allows people to share their comments thought, usually on a particular topic and blogjects had the same concept but is just that object is doing the blogging instead of human. The author mentions that Blogjects literally just blog and it don’t pay attention to comments.

Blogjects are different from the thing from the internet. The thing of blogjects can participate in exchange ideas, they not just publish but circulate conversation as well. The author had mention how blogjects function and works - “A Blogject can start a conversation with something as simple as an aggregation of levels of pollutants in groundwater. If this conversation is maintained and made consequential through hourly RSS feeds and visualizations of that same routine data, this Blogject is going to get some trackback.”
The basic idea of Internet of Things
The three peculiarities characteristics of Blogjects:
1. Blogjects track and trace where they are and where they’ve been
Blogjects need to trace where we are in order to communicate with us. For example, when we are lost, we can communicate with it and ask for a map (Google map) around the area and find a way out. It is very useful when people get lost in the jungle or during hiking. It is also very useful for parents for them to know the location of their child and where they have been. Then, the parents can know that their child did go to school, tuition or so on and didn’t mess around or skip school.
2. Blogjects have self-contained (embedded) histories of their encounters and experiences
Blogjects has the ability to remembering things and keep a record of it. It carry the knowledge of previous stories, recordings or experience. For example, the video above had mention that imagine a running shoes can be able to upload to a website about the time, distance, the calories burn during the running and it store the information on the internet and check the progress overtime.
3. Blogjects always have some form of agency — they can foment action and participate; they have an assertive voice within the social web.
What I get from this sentence is that Blogjects can interact with a group and communicate with us. Can u imagine communicating with a thing but not human?
As a conclusion, personally, I do not like the idea of Blogjects because it’s invading my privacy. It’s like there is person stalking you and they know where you are, what you are doing and even keep a record of it. Then they share their information about it with others – internet’s blogger and blog readers. It’s kind of scary. But Blogjects did have it good part in it. What do you think?