I’m totally agreed with the author that Twitter makes a terrible first impression. When I first had contact with Twitter, I totally do not know how to use it and the purpose of using it. It can’t share pictures, video, and it just let you send 140 characters message. I was too used to Facebook, so I’m totally do not like this new service when I first in-touch with it. Then, slowly I found it is kind of interesting to just post a short and straight forward tweet just like a conversation. I keep up with my friend in UK on Twitter to know how she is doing there and what she is doing. Just like what the author mention in the article – “We don't think it at all moronic to start a phone call with a friend by asking how her day is going. Twitter gives you the same information without your even having to ask.” I always had conversation with her on twitter instead of msn because both of us do not have the time for long conversation, both of us are doing our own stuff and Twitter is the perfect choice for us.

Twitter is very simple, and straightforward. It do not have the like button, comment button and share button, it just have reply, retweet and favorite. Sometimes, my friend said something that I really like, I can’t click the like button or share it (I was so use to Facebook) but to reply with short words like I like it. It is so simple that when you like what people said about it, you can reply to that person that you like it or retweet it. Retweet button is the same as the sharing button on Facebook. Since Twitter can’t share pictures, video and so on, but Twitter user can share it with friends by tweet the links with a short and simple introduction with it. I like the simplicity of Twitter, so, and i totally agree that once you start tweeting, you will get addicted to it.

Many artists own a Twitter account and of course they have tons of followers. They tweet about their daily life just like all of us and share it with their fans. There are many artist promote their new songs thru twitter. They just need to share a link of their music video and their fans will it. There are artist also inform their fans about their new song in twitter too. For example, Jesse Mccartney tweeted that his new song will be at iTune soon and asks his fans to purchase it. Therefore, twitter has become an advertising tool too although it does not have a corner for advertising.
Besides, the author had mention about the intimacy that the fans had with their idol thru Twitter. Whenever their idol tweeted something, they can reply it and some of the artist do reply their fans. For example, Justin Bieber will go thru their fans tweet, reply them or retweet it and he even follow his fans on twitter. This is one of the reasons why people is crazy about Twitter.

Did Bieber follow you on Twitter?
Twitter also had become a business tool. It is because many businesses had a twitter account and tweeted about their product, services to update their follower as well as customer and also communicate with their customers. For example, MY FM – a Chinese radio station in Malaysia owns a Twitter. It will keep update with the news, which artist is coming to the studio for live broadcast, who is in the studio now, what game is coming up next and so on to attract people to listen to MY FM.