Thursday 25 August 2011

Information Ecology

This reading is Information Ecology

Network is full of information and knowledge. In order for the network to work, it needs nodes and flow of information. The author state that “Flows without elements of structure would be noise and nodes without flows would be dead.” The nodes carry the information and they are interconnected with each other. It constitutes the pattern in the flow of the information. They need each other in order to function. We get information from the nodes and communicate with each other through network. The author had come out with four dimension of information ecology.

 Four dimensions of an information ecology:

1.      Interdependency

The nodes are dependent on each other in order to work. The nodes are interconnected with each other and it can’t work alone. The purposes of network are sharing and get information so the nodes have to connect to each other to allow the flow of information and with this we are able to get the information and connect to each other.

nodes are interconnected with each other

2.      Change

Change means that the change of the flow of the information. The flow can go through different path or nodes to get to the destination. Because the network is decentralized, the information can flow through any nodes to get to the final destination.  

3.      Time-boundness

The author stated that “In an environment where information flows very quickly, at the speed of light through computer networks, and the new interrelations are born as fast as old connections die time is a supreme factor.” This means the information flow on the network is very fast and people can get the information in a blink of eyes. For example, when you sent an email to a friend in the opposite of the world, he or she will get the email in the blink of eyes. The flow of information is very fast regardless or the physical borders and time. It can reach to the targets immediately.

4.      Differentiation

“Information is difference and the nodes survive as long as they can make a difference, which is for as long as they can produce information that is valid for others.” So, differentiation at here means that, each node have to be special and unique. It should hold different information to differentiate themselves from the thousand thousands of nodes in order to survive.

In conclusion, network is made up of many nodes. Nodes and flow of information need to work together and they need each other to work in order for the network to work well. Nodes are interconnected to each other and its hold the information while the flow of information carries the information to us. Nodes and flow of information are “business partner” inorder to make the business called “network” to work properly.


  1. (Nodes and flow of information are “business partner” in order to make the business called “network” to work properly.)

    you use a good example to explain nodes and flow , this is alright.
    Cyberspace is a space, which we can't see or even touch it. but yet it we are involve it. and it's just like a space world,can insert a lot of information.

  2. Nice explanation on the whole node anf flow concept. Its true that the flow of information is just in a blink of eyes.Imagine how instant messenging conduct? Just by the time you press enter,the opposites received. It occurs anytime, anywhere and though nodes,its is not bounded by time and location.
