Friday 4 November 2011

Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web

Week 12 posting is “Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web” by Daniel Roth from

What is Android? Android is operating system for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers to connect to the internet. It is created by Andy Rubin. The reason for the invention of Android is that the market in mobile phone is so much larger than then the computer and day by day, people will use mobile phone to access to the internet instead of computer. Andy had stressed that “there were nearly 700 million cell phones sold each year compared with fewer than 200 million PCs — and the gap was widening” at the pitch for the android. Besides that, when time pass, people will use mobile phone to access to the internet instead of computer. Mobile phone is a device that people will carry it at anytime and anywhere and it is more likely for them to use mobile to access to the internet more than the computer. With these, Rubin come out with Android and he want to partner with Google.

Page, the cofounder of Google, had done many things to make sure that Android will work and help in his business. “Thirty-four companies — firms like Texas Instruments, Intel, T-Mobile, and Sprint Nextel — were joining Google to build a wireless interface based on open source Linux software.” Google was planned to take the trillion dollar global wireless market.

“The company put a free Android software developer's kit on its Web site and announced the Developer Challenge, with $10 million in prize money to be parceled out to the creators of the best applications for the new system — a great social networking tool, say, or a handwriting recognition program.”

This challenge is open up to everyone. With this challenge, Google wants to develop fun and interesting application for Android to attract more people to used Android which means that more people are surfing the internet. This means that more people viewing the Google ads and this profits the Google.
Apple vs Android

The biggest competitor in the market for Android is Apple. Apple is a proprietary operating system whereas Android is Google developed open source operating system. Android and Apple have similar functions and application. Both of them support multitasking, it can download many application and use it. There are some differences between Apple and Android which is that Android surf the net thru browser while Apple surf the net thru Safari and so on.
The difference between Apple and Android

But the big difference between Android and Apple is that Android is user friendly whereas Apple is not. For example, Apple can only share their information, pictures, video, music and so on with Apple devices like iPad, iPhone, Mac book and so on. It can’t share it with other smart phone or devices unlike Android which can share its information, pictures, video, music and so on with any type of smart phone. It is also one of the reasons why people choose Android instead of Apple.
Android is user friendly

Basically, in this article, the author tells the story of how Android is developing and how it gets to the market. At the end of the article, the author state that “If they're doing that from an Android phone, great. If not, but they're on a phone made more Web-friendly thanks to competitive pressure from Google, that's also fine. "I hope it's Android," Page says. But either way, Google wins.” I’m totally agree in it, whether people used Apple, Android or other Web-friendly phone, in the end will still profits Google, because they help Google to drive more user or people to surfs the nets and with this the amount of people viewing Google ads will increase and profits Google. Therefore, Android is the smart move of Google.

1 comment:

  1. As nowadays, the amounts of Android’s users are keeping increase and so as the Apple’s users. However, I am using Android phone is because of the open source code as people can share the information among friends but Apple can’t. I dislike the non-user friendly that create by Apple, it make I-phone more like business purpose. However, Android and Apple is hard to compare as they have the same features, application and uses. They belong to mobile devices that can easily bring out by peoples and peoples can access the internet by using the mobile devices. As the technology keeps changing and improve so I can’t criticism to one of them as they have their own unique selling point in the market.
